
Trace Element Recovery from Saltwork bitterns

Trace Element Recovery from Saltwork bitterns

Seawater contains most the elements from the periodic table, but as 99% of seawater salts consist of just 6 ions: chloride (Cl−), sodium (Na+), sulfate (SO24−), magnesium (Mg2+), calcium (Ca2+), and potassium (K+), the remaining ions are known as Trace Elements (TEs)...

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SEArcularMINE @EUSalt 2023, Marseille France.

SEArcularMINE @EUSalt 2023, Marseille France.

Project Co-Ordinator Prof. Andrea Cipollina was delighted to deliver a presentation about the SEArcularMINE project at this year’s annual EUSalt Conference 2023. EUSalt is the association of European and global crystallised salt producers whose members are key industrial users for the results emerging from the SEArcularMINE project...

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Rubidium: Essential Mineral

Rubidium: Essential Mineral

The EU imports rubidium from around the world to make fibre optics, medications and glass. But this is set to change, thanks to European innovation that looks at circular ways to source essential minerals from the sea, from Europe for Europe.

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