Tamara León Oviedo

Location: Barcelona, Cataluya, Spain

Position: Researcher at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Tamara Elizabeth León Oviedo is a chemical engineer with a diverse and international academic background. She earned her degree in chemical engineering from the National Polytechnic School in Quito, Ecuador. She then pursued an MSc in chemical engineering processes at Southern Federal University in Rostov, Russia. Tamara furthered her expertise by enrolling in the doctoral program in chemical engineering processes at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona, Spain, where she recently completed her doctoral studies.

Tamara’s main research interest lies in membrane separation processes for liquid streams, with a specific focus on electrodialysis technologies for generating acidic and alkali solutions from their corresponding salts. Her research encompasses experimental studies, optimization studies, and the development of computational fluid dynamic models to understand the phenomena occurring in electrodialysis systems.

As part of the SEArcularMINE project, Tamara contributed significantly through extensive experimentation and modeling efforts. Her work was crucial in designing and operating the pilot plant, particularly the unit of electrodialysis with bipolar membranes. Tamara notes her pride in being involved in the SEArcularMINE project as it addresses the critical need for alternative sources of valuable metals within Europe and offers an environmental solution by valorizing brines instead of discharging them into water bodies. Tamara emphasizes the importance of the synergia between partners in the project, which greatly enhanced her research, leading to significant outcomes such as participation in international congresses and publications in high-impact journals.

Looking ahead, Tamara is keen to continue her career in research and development (R&D), building on her extensive experience and contributions to sustainable engineering solutions.
