Marcantonio Nanfara

Location: Palermo, Italy

Position:  Grant Receipient, University of Palermo

Biography: Marcantonio Nanfara is an early career researcher from Delia, Italy, currently serving as a grant holder at the University of Palermo. He completed both his bachelor's and master's degrees in chemical engineering at the University of Palermo, specializing in sustainable processes. Marcantonio's research is centered around the study of ElectroDialysis with Bipolar Membranes (EDBM) technology, an area he has been passionate about since his master's thesis. His work, conducted under the SEArcularMINE project, involves the construction and testing of an EDBM pilot plant.

The most rewarding aspect of Marcantonio's involvement in the SEArcularMINE project has been the successful operation of the integrated pilot plant chain. He finds the project particularly fascinating because it explores sustainable methods for recovering high-value products from brine, a waste product from salt production. Marcantonio is driven by the potential of this research to contribute to environmental sustainability and commercial innovation.
