Early Career Researchers

The SEArcularMINE project is committed to developing the careers of Early Career Researchers (ECRs). Over eighty ECRs have been involved since the start of the project; this includes the students, PhD candidates, and post-doctorate researchers that have contributed to SEArcularMINE's success.  Learn about some of these individuals below.

Giorgio Purpura, MSc

PhD Student, University of Palermo

Marcantonio Nanfara, MSc

Grant Holder, University of Palermo

Julio Lopez, PhD

​Researcher, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Dominik Traub, MSc

​Researcher, Fraunhofer ISE

Antonello Raponi, PhD

​Researcher, Politecnico di Torino

Luigi Gurreri, PhD

Assistant Professor, University of Catania

Ferdinando Domenico Miciletta, BSc

Master's Student, University of Palermo

Francesco Volpe, MSc

PhD Student, University of Palermo

Sergi Vinardell, PhD

​Researcher, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Simona Maria Asaro, BSc

Master's Student, University of Palermo

Calogero Cassaro, MSc

PhD Student, University of Palermo

Emanuela Mangiaracina, BSc

Master's Student, University of Palermo

Tamara Elizabeth León Oviedo, PhD

Researcher, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Victor Valles, MSc

PhD Student, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC)